Classic Baby Boy Clothes

Classic Baby Boy Clothes

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was sure I was having a girl.In fact I wanted a little girl.Then, something inside of me told me I was having a boy.And sure enough, I was! I thought I would be disappointed, but instead I was elated! Early on I noticed, there were more girl choices for baby clothes, and even fewer boy clothes that I liked.Although I like sports to an extent, it annoyed me that there were more sports baby clothes than anything else.I guess I just thought, well, they are babies right now, not athletes.This was especially hard when my firstborn had severe disabilities.He would never walk, let alone run, throw or catch a ball.Dressing him in a baby shirt with thick embroidered words that read "Future Football Player" could leave me depressed and crying for the rest of the day.It was not because I dreamed of him someday being a football player, but it reminded me of his physical loss in general.Since my first born, I have had two more sons.Usually they have simply worn hand-me-downs and I tried not to be picky about their clothing, because this would seem ridiculous, but I will say that whenever they have worn something classic, heirloom style, and more traditional, they have looked the most dashing! Clothing that is simple, with clean lines, or that is hand made seems to make them glow and shine.It even fills the atmosphere with a little more peace.Our world is so over stimulating right now.Even clothing seems to fill my eyes too much.I need a place for my eyes to rest from the many lights, colors, advertisements, and words.A simple white baby bodysuit might do the trick!I know it is simply clothing, but when my boys wear simple classic clothing it makes me think of those beautiful vintage black and white photographs.I find myself dreaming of clothing on the clothes line, catching the sun and flowing in the breeze.I feel connected to these photographs and this time, when I have something visual that takes me back.I am perfectly willing to allow my children to wear sports clothing, superhero clothing, hand-me-downs that I might not choose otherwise, or clothes that they like but that I dislike, because it is not about me.But, secretly, I always like to see them in something that looks like its from the past.For my son with disabilities, when his clothes are simple and classic, I am not thinking about how he will not ever be able to skateboard or surf or go to rock concerts, as a thirteen year old today.Seeing traditional clothing on my sons, when it happens, makes me think of the my Nana who spent her days raising her children, just as I am now."Stay close to me through this day, Nana, this is not as easy as it looks! Your children were precious and beautiful, as are mine.This time is short, it shines like a jewel in our minds and stays with us, even when we forget all else.I know that though you have forgotten most parts of your life, somewhere those early days with your children, those moments hanging their baby rompers on the line in the sun are there with you still.".

Classic Baby Boy Clothes


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